Have you ever felt like there's something missing in life?

Like maybe there's a purpose or calling that you were created for but can't seem to put your finger on?

You were made for a PURPOSE!!

I'm Ken Eash, and my purpose in life is to help you find and live your purpose, so you can create a life of deeper meaning and impact.

MY ApproAch

With my "5KEYS" approach, I help Christian Millennial men create a life that maximizes your impact and income, so you can leave a legacy that will outlast you.

Opportunities for GROWTH

NEXTLevel Mastermind

Fulfill your God-given potential, and amplify your personal, professional, and spiritual growth with the power of NEXTLevel Mastermind behind you.

NEXTLevel Men's Retreat

3 days of immersion, growth, and connection, dedicated to helping you create the life and business God specially designed you for.

Purpose, Passion, Profit, Membership

Membership community for Christian Millennial men.

Become the man God created you to be,

and reach your full potential in both your personal and professional life.

DISC Personality Consulting

DISCover the strengths of your unique personality, and fully embrace them to become the man God created you to be. Get your DISC report below.

Check out our coaching for small business and solo entrepreneurs.


Brian Jones

Ken was very knowledgeable and capable at not only helping me start my own business but also in helping me see life through a better lens! I highly recommend getting involved in any of his courses/coaching if you are wanting to get more out of life and be more impactful with your life!


He’s been empowered to take more initiative in his own life. He’s being more proactive in his responsibilities and really has him future thinking.


What is life coaching?

Life coaching is a process of helping people achieve their goals and create the lives they want. Life coaches work with their clients to identify their values, goals, and challenges. Then, they develop a plan to help their clients achieve their goals and overcome their challenges.

How much does life coaching cost?

The cost of life coaching varies depending on the coach and the services they offer. However, most life coaches offer a free consultation so that you can get to know them and learn more about their services before you commit to working with them.

How do I know if I need a life coach?

If you are feeling lost, unfulfilled, or stuck in a rut, then life coaching may be right for you. Life coaching can also be helpful if you are going through a major life transition, such as a new job, a divorce, or the death of a loved one.